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A világjárvány társadalmi és gazdasági reakciói


Pandemic and social reactions (panel research in collaboration with ELTE PPK researchers)
Scores Group and ELTE PPK examined in three waves, among other things, how Hungarians see their situation with regard to the coronavirus, which people in charge are trusted in the virus situation, how people judge their exposure to the virus, how their financial opportunities change and how they change their media consumption habits, with the changes in all of them between each wave of research in mind. The Scores Group examined the issue in the CAWI Respondents Panel; almost 3,000 respondents completed all three questionnaires.

Eredmények 2020. IV. (pdf) →

Eredmények 2020. V. (pdf) →

Eredmények 2020. IX. (pdf) →

MRSZ industry crisis research (company managers' answers about the media market)
The Hungarian Advertising Association and the Scores Group research institute conducted a questionnaire survey among MRSZ member organizations and affiliates, in order to assess the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the communications industry, its revenues and future market prospects, taking suggestions from industry experts. We asked the executives of companies working in the sector to complete our online research questionnaire. We collected responses from executives who have insight not only into their own company, but into the sector’s financial and labour market vision too.

Eredmények 2020. V.  (pdf) →

Eredmények 2020. IX. (pdf) →

Eredmények 2021. III. (pdf) →

Outdoor ads under lockdown (outdoor access recovery)
As a result of the economic crisis in the wake of the epidemic, advertisers have reduced their advertising spending on all media platforms. To top it off, the lockdown has had an unpredictable impact on the outdoor advertising market and has made traditional research methods of outdoor market impossible. Scores Group makes every effort to help its partners with facts and data, even in the current situation. This compilation was designed to outline what could be known from the data and what to expect in the public space market.

Eredmények 2020. V. (pdf) →

Eredmények 2020. X. (pdf) →

Radio audience measurement in the epidemic situation (trend data)
The Hungarian syndicated radio audience measurement is commissioned by the National Media and Communications Authority. After the public procurement procedure, Scores Group also participates in the national radio audience measurement, and reports regularly on its website. It is important to see how media consumption patterns change in an epidemic situation. Therefore, we follow the development of radio listening trend data even more closely than usual.

Eredmények 2020. Q3 (pdf)  →

Első nemzetközi eredmények 2020. IV. (pdf) →

Gyermekek digitális eszközhasználata 
A koronavírus-kutatássorozat harmadik hullámának egyik fő fókusza a járvány gyermekek digitáliseszköz-használatára gyakorolt hatásainak feltérképezése volt, ennek az eredményeit mutatja be a linken elérhető összefoglaló.

Eredmények (pdf) →

Az aktívan dolgozó internetezők ötöde számít kötelező védőoltásra munkahelyén
A Scores Group 2021 novemberében vizsgálta a felnőtt magyar internetezők koronavírus elleni védőoltás kötelezővé tételével kapcsolatos véleményét, illetve az otthoni munkavégzéssel kapcsolatos tapasztalatait. A linken elérhető összefoglaló ennek az eredményeit mutatja be.

Eredmények (pdf) →